This Rogue is Free


Prior to the outbreak, Negan lived in Reston Virginia and was the coach of a local high school, keeping his players in line through intimidation and bullying. He was happily married to his wife, Lucille. Now Negan is the leader of the Saviors and Negan punishes even the smallest infraction (real or perceived) with brutal violence


Duelist: Wins combat engagements and force trades with the enemy team


Speed: 3/5

Dallas has a 5% speed increase when moving across the map

Toughness: 3/5

Dallas has a 3% decrease in damage from all sources

Primary Weapon

Riptide Icon
Devotion Icon


Adrenaline Shot Icon
Adrenaline Shot
Incendiary Grenade Icon
Incendiary Grenade

Secondary Weapon

LW6 Revolver Icon
LW6 Revolver

Melee Weapon

Combat Knife Icon
Combat Knife

Active Ability

Target Finder Icon Shadowed

Target Finder

Reveal the closest enemy for a short duration

Passive Ability

Recharge Icon Shadowed


Recharge your ability upon downing an enemy



Reduces movement speed penalty while aim by 25%

Shredder Rounds

Deal 10% more firearm damage to armored targets and deployables


Gain an additional 25 armor

Quick Hands

Increases weapon swap speedreload speed and reload while sprinting

Bounce Back

Your health regeneration starts 2 seconds faster. Battle Zone: Increases all healing received by 20%


Increases magazine size and falloff ranges by 30%


See enemy footprints and reveal enemies for 5 seconds when you shoot them


Increase headshot damage by 15%

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First person to reply with the correct screenshot wins a TWD Supply Drop code

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Reply to the RogueWiki contest tweet with a screenshot of the profile picture and bio on this page to win. 

First person to reply with the correct screenshot wins a TWD Supply Drop code